An Academic Yearbook
If the first two nouns of the title European Meetings
in Ethnomusicology stand by themselves, the last one needs to be explained
a little bit. Ethnomusicology is, to put it roughly and shortly, the
scholarly knowledge, interpretation and explanation of all sorts of
traditional, ethnic, rural, urban, ex-rural or rurban, subcultural/marginal,
identity-marking music. Therefore, the journal presented here is an
academic editorial series treating the musical traditions and socio-cultural
connections or associations with music that were formerly, or traditionally,
summoned under the name of folk music (and/or musical folklore).
As written on the inside cover of each and every
volume: "This periodic collective volume is dedicated, on the one hand,
to the intercultural and scholarly dialogue; and, on the other hand,
to the idea of communicating this dialogue to and with the entire world.
Sticking to professional, academic and exegetical standards, its pages
are open to all experts in the various forms of music belonging to any
social and ethnic groups. We trust it is as important as necessary that
researchers should meet and mutually learn about their exegetic performances,
methodological particularities and adequacy, as well as about the collected
field materials. This journal relies upon the conviction that the experts'
dialogue in ethnomusicology, by means of the writing, represents an
important cultural action and a scientific performance with highly humanistic
aims and consequences. By means of the ethnomusicology and musical anthropology
scholars can try to realize what characterizes or what solidarizes peoples,
groups and individuals, what particularizes or what imposes them at
the world level, what they do have in common and what is specific to
each of them from the creative point of view." In fact, "This journal
aims at becoming more and more complex and comprehensive, and its purpose
is to succeed in rendering a highly speaking image of the musical and
scientific creativity, as of the professional ethnomusicology as well."
Papers considered for publication are reviewed by expert referees.